Once we’ve collected the data, it’s time to analyze it. We take our time to review each piece of the collected data. Interestingly, we often find that it reveals a solution. We make recommendations, and we show you specifically why those recommendations are needed. Examples of findings have included wanting more empowerment in basic decisions, forming teams to solve specific work issues, more staff development, or even a requested change of culture entirely. Each of those findings had similarity in the solutions but not exact methods.
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As You Can See, There Are No Specific Boiler Plate Solutions. Your Business, Organization Or Group Is Distinctive And So Should The Solution To The Challenges Identified.


We then present the information to whomever you desire. We often recommend your management team, HR people, executive boards, town committees, union or elected officials. We discuss strategies for implementation and develop a plan for change. The idea here is to maximize results and improve, educate, and develop as an organization.

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”What if I don’t like the solution?” heading_tag=”h4″]

That’s ok – our solutions are recommendations. They are based on known scientific principles in leadership, motivation, emotional intelligence, personalities, and conflict resolution. Just because we recommend something for the group, that doesn’t mean you’re locked into implementation.

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”What about our workplace having a Union?” heading_tag=”h4″]

It’s our experience that Unions desire to work with employers for their employees’ benefit. We are always happy to sit down and share our findings, recommendations, and solutions. Employers that share all findings with Union leadership have been pleasantly surprised at the working benefit.




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