Managers are often derived from an employee that simply performs their job skills well, knows the company, and is familiar with the organization’s “ways.” What is learned through experience is valuable; however, it allows for wasted time of development in an unorganized manner.

We at The Kullman Group understand that manager development is key in any organization. Increasing self-awareness, understanding emotional intelligence, developing real skills that help with conflict resolution, and a comprehensive review are all necessary. And we utilize Everything DiSC® as part of that process. We have found that these easy to understand modules are fun and engaging to your managers, and the information learned is utilized immediately.

Everything DiSC Management

We help your management team discover their DiSC Management style. This helps them recognize the priorities and preferences that shape their experience as a manager of others and as an employee who must also effectively manage up. Managers begin to understand how their unique style informs their approach to directing and delegation. They learn strategies for improving employee motivation and developing the full potential of people with various DiSC styles.

Productive Conflict Profile

Managers are often faced with employees that are complaining or disgruntled. Managers that are self-aware of their own abilities have found that utilizing self-awareness through use of Everything DiSC ® Productive Conflict Profile gives employees an appreciation of how their style of handling conflict affects people around them. The employee learns how to “catch” themselves when going down a destructive conflict path. They also learn how to reframe a conflict situation and choose more productive behaviors as well as build a common language in the organization around appropriate conflict behavior.

Emotional Intelligence

The development of higher emotional intelligence in employees has been researched extensively. The benefits of higher emotional intelligence (Ei) and emotional quotients (Eq) lead to happier, more engaged workforces that have higher retention rates. These employees are often identified earlier as future leaders and can be engaged quicker for management tracts. Using Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™, we can help employees discover the instinctive mindsets that shape their responses and interactions with others. This gives them the self-awareness to recognize opportunities to stretch beyond what comes naturally to them and take action to become more agile in their approach to social and emotional situations.

363 for Leaders

360-degree evaluations are the mark of a truly progressive organization. How you are viewed by superiors is one thing, but what about peers and followers? Many managers and leaders have never used a 360-degree evaluation. The downfall of most of them is that the evaluation is open-ended and non-constructive statements are allowed. That is why we at The Kullman Group utilize 363 for Leaders in order to help managers and leaders recognize the tendencies that shape their approach to leadership, based on their DiSC® style. It better helps them understand how others see them as a leader and how their own self-ratings compare.

Further, it identifies which of the Eight Approaches to Effective Leadership — and the three behavioral Practices underlying each approach — are their strengths and which ones would benefit from further development. Upon review, each manager or executive is provided with personalized strategies for becoming a more effective leader based on specific rater feedback.


I can’t put my finger on it, but something is off with my employees.

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My vision is clear to me yet, it doesn’t seem to be embodied in our organizational culture.

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The Benefits of DiSC Personality Assessments

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